For those that suffer this debilitating and rather common problem we may be able to help you as we have helped many. Current flare-ups will need to be seen by your G.P or specialist first to ensure no infection is present before treatment.
A pilonidal sinus is a small tunnel or tract that develops under the skin, usually in the cleft between the buttocks. It often contains hair, dirt, and debris, which can cause it to become infected and lead to the formation of extremely painful abscesses. This condition primarily affects young men, those with a considerable amount of body hair or those who sit for prolonged periods. The hair trapped within the sinus can irritate the skin and lead to infection, resulting in swelling, redness, and drainage of pus.
Traditionally, the treatment for a pilonidal sinus has been surgical removal, particularly in cases where recurrent infections occur or the sinus is deeply embedded. However, surgical intervention can be invasive and sometimes requires a long recovery period, which makes some patients hesitant to undergo surgery.
Surgeons and General Practitiones refer patients to us to manage the hair problem by doing a course of IPL/Laser hair removal treatments. With reducing hair from the area, one may significantly reduce the chances of hair re-entering the skin, potentially preventing the need for surgery. At times, surgery is the only option, yet for some patients, this non-invasive solution can be an alternative to surgery, allowing you to manage the condition with minimal downtime and discomfort. This will need to be discussed with your G.P. We have treated many, many teenagers with this problem, some have had up to three surgeries, a lot of scars and a lot of weeks not being able to sit.
By offering permanent hair removal, we are helping to address the root cause of pilonidal sinus formation in these clients where many surgeons recognise this as a highly effective preventative measure. This approach not only improves patient outcomes but also offers you an option that may avoid invasive surgical procedures.