A Guide to Male Genital Skin

September 29, 2024

In this blog post, I'll delve into the factors affecting skin health, such as water quality, growing older, and the use of harsh products. From addressing sebum imbalance, chafing, fungal rashes and sensitive skin to combating uneven pigmentation and signs of lax skin that occurs due to growing older with a loss of collagen production. This guide will provide practical solutions and tips on maintaining healthy, resilient skin of the Penis and Scrotum.

Male Genital Skin:

I've completed over 13,000 male genital hair removal treatments and noticed consistent changes in men's genital skin. It's proven that factors like water quality, detergents, harsh soaps/shower gels, growing older, hot environments and hormones may all play a role.

Here are common issues men face:

  • Sebum Reduction: Skin oil imbalance causes dryness and under nourished skin.
  • Thinning Skin: As we grow older, skin becomes thinner and more prone to damage. Waxing this area when skin becomes thin and drier has its own risks.
  • Hardened Skin: Long-term exposure to irritants makes skin on scrotums tougher and less flexible, may form some callous like skin.
  • Dehydration & Irritation: Lack of moisture leads to dry, rough, irritated skin.
  • Oversensitivity: Harsh water and cleansers overstimulate nerves, causing sensitive skin.
  • Chaffing & Fungal Rashes: patches of red skin that has a curve to its perimeter, may look dry even flakey, sometimes triggered by hot working environments. Sometimes noted on men carrying extra weight.
  • Uneven Pigmentation: Skin color may become patchy or discolored, sometimes due to heat, trauma and growing older.
  • Wrinkling & Sagging: Less collagen leads to loss of elasticity causing sagging and wrinkles over time.
  • Skin tags, red blood spots or other benign lesions: Friction, obesity or hormones may be contributing factors. If I am ever in doubt i will not take it out and a G.P referral will be suggested if required for any unknown lesions. I have removed hundreds of lesions from scrotums and surrounding skin to date.

One common problem, especially in men exposed to hard water, is red, sensitive skin. Chemicals in hard water, combined with harsh soaps, does damage the skin's barrier. Skin can become exceptionally dry, lacking needed moisture. A gentle cleaning routine, avoiding harsh soaps or scrubbing, will maintain optimal skin health.

Here's what we suggest to help.

For prevention of drying skin further

Use a shower filter: For those who live or work in areas using hard water, this will make a big difference to the moisture in your skin.

Sensitive skin wash: It is worth the swap to protect your skins barrier. Soap-free, gentle washes. Avoid gimmick products, go for PH balanced where possible. e.g Dermal Therapy sensitive skin wash. Dove sensitive skin wash.

Being mindful of what is on your hands before going to the toilet. We were all raised to wash our hands after going to the toilet. We disagree and suggest washing your hands first. From offices to workshops, we have more on our hands than we often realise. The tough pads on palms are created to take more than the much finer penile skin, which needs not endure environmental chemicals and bacteria.

With relation to the appearance of men's genital skin, it’s about how confident you feel about yours. No one else has a say here, remember that. Its yours and yours only, own that with confidence. Your all unique and no two will ever be the same, just like your ears and nose. We do however have advanced treatments and technologies that offer effective solutions for various conditions, helping you achieve remarkable improvements if you choose. From improving hardened skin, removing skin tags, often on the inner crease where the genital area meets thighs, angiomas (raised blood spots)wrinkled, pigmented or skin lacking collagen from growing older, these treatments are designed to restore both your skin’s appearance and greater peace of mind for you. We are always aware that this may be uncomfortable to discuss but hope you don’t let that hold you back or feel unecessarily embarrassed. Be bold and send that consultation through. Being a male only clinic, penises do not scare us and we are here to help you feel more confident with Male Genital Skin Rejuvenation. Comparative to females who have similar genital improving treatments or those that have breast enhancements. It's a matter of what makes YOU feel your best also! Go for it men, it's your time to shine and theres no reason not to.

The only ones to know is you and us of which being a clinic registered with APAN the Aesthetics Practitioners Advisory Network, rest assured that we work at professional standards with high educational qualifications where confidentiality is kept to the highest standard.

Please book a Consultation with Tricia who is the only practitioner in Perth offering a Male Genital Rejuvenation of the skin. Relax, make the booking and you and I will discuss how we can help you feel super confident achieving pleasing results.